WoW Shadowlands release date news
The WoW Shadowlands release date is scheduled for later this month, but that hasn’t stopped Blizzard working on the final product.To get more news about buy world warcraft items, you can visit lootwowgold official website. As World of Warcraft gamers who have been testing the latest Shadowlands builds will know, there is still plenty of tinkering being done behind the scenes. A new patch is scheduled to arrive on November 17, which will bring the latest changes to WoW Shadowlands content.Much of the core experience will remain the same, although tweaks are being made, some of which will be noticeable after the upcoming game maintenance. A message from Blizzard explains that some trinkets aren’t working correctly and need to be changed before the big launch.“With a hotfix coming soon to the Shadowlands Beta, we’re addressing a number of overperforming trinkets that we want to bring into line before Shadowlands launches,” Blizzard confirmed this week. Blizzard has also warned that the WoW Shadowlands pre-patch event has also been updated, revealing today: “The additional second-week content of the Shadowlands Pre-patch, Death Rising, is now available in this region. New quests are now available in Icecrown and capital cities, and you are advised to take extra precautions. Zombies are invading!” And it won’t be long before the full experience is available to check out across all servers on Battle.Net.Blizzard has confirmed that the new WoW Shadowlands release date has been set for November 23, 2020, in the United States. Some gamers were predicting the big rollout out the very next day, as Tuesdays are the usual time for updates and patches.But World of Warcraft fans will no doubt be ecstatic to find out they are having to wait a day less and won’t be finding themselves holding on following another delay. While Blizzard has confirmed that WoW Shadowlands will be rolling out on November 23 in the United States, the new expansion will be going live in Europe on November 24. |
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