(R-Bloomington) says that fiscal?conservatives?should be?open-minded and recognize an opportunity?to be a part of writing legislation regulating marijuana, adding that the state could use the tax revenue by regulating marijuana like alcohol and tobacco.?Barickman?also said that law enforcement resources?could be focused on series crimes and thinks marijuana?could?combat other drug issues.
glass bongs for sale The?Illinois?Senate Executive Committee?voted to add a?non-binding question on the next ballot to ask residents?if they?support regulating marijuana like alcohol and tobacco, and legislators usually?consider referendums?when?changing laws.?
Chicago also has a referendum question?on?the ballot?for the primary on?March 20.?At least 85 percent of Chicago residents?support?legalizing marijuana.?Wolf says that the upset at the Presidential election could energize people to get out and vote, noting that Chicago has a progressive base?eager for change.??
bong online store The current state?governor,?Bruce Rauner,?is opposed to legalizing marijuana and has said doing so would be?a?mistake.??However, the?Illinois gubernatorial election?is in November, and Democratic candidate?JB Pritzker?supports legalizing marijuana.??
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